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We partner with likeminded stores across the country who love the Simon Pearce brand.
Are you a Simon Pearce retailer? Create a wholesale account to access our wholesale portal full of resources you’ll need for success.
Our images are available for advertising or printing for our wholesale partners. If you can’t find an image you need, please contact us.
While many items are eligible for our signature gift boxes with ribbon, please note that not all products qualify. Gift Boxes are unavailable for seconds items, lampshades, books, gift cards, oversized items, and specific bowls and lamps.
Additionally, some boxed items may not be eligible for ribbon wrapping.
With sustainability in mind, we gift box like items together to minimize in as few boxes as possible.If you have specific items that need to be gift boxed separately, we recommend placing individual orders for these products.
Have questions? Call customer service at 800.774.5277
612 La Ronge Avenue, La Ronge SK S0J1L0
6877 Newman Blvd., Unit 2900, Lasalle QC H8N 3E4