Autumn Cider Recipes

BY The Creative Team
BY The Creative Team


Chai Cider Bourbon Sour

In a shaker with ice:
1 ¾ oz Bulleit Bourbon
2 oz Chai Cider
½ oz Maple syrup
Juice of 1 lemon wedge

Shake, pour into Ascutney Whiskey.
Garnish with dried apple slice.

Cider gathering@2x

Chai Cider (yields one gallon)

16 cups cider
16 cinnamon sticks
2 Tbl green cardamom pods
6 tsp whole cloves
1 tsp whole black peppercorns
8” piece of ginger root sliced

Combine all ingredients, cover, bring to a boil.
Reduce heat to medium, simmer for 10 minutes.
Remove from heat, steep for up to 6 hours but not less than 4 hours.
Strain, refrigerate. Use Ascutney Glass Pitcher to serve.

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